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Check out a sneak peek of this hot and steamy fairytale…
Once Upon a time… Sure, we all know the story. A pretty girl, a jealous step mother, a magic mirror and seven kind men. Well honey, your fairytale is all grown up and steamy as hell. Take a closer look here.
I wish you were this beautiful, little one. I wish you were as beautiful as red blood in white snow against a black window frame.
Queen Aalis,
Snow White and the Wicked Queen: Chapter 1
The weak winter sun danced off her hair like sparks from a fire.
Eyes shining, the Queen’s lips curled softly into a smile so serene no one could see the emptiness behind it.

“Sensational and Seriously Steamy”
Ok, I’m guessing most of you all know the classic fairytale? well now is the time to get ready for this sensational and seriously steamy sauce pot, from the remarkably talented @regina.grimm.authorEven though the backstory is already familiar to me, the author has a genius way of retelling the tale, managing...
“Definitely a book to add to your book bucket list”
Love fairytales? How about fairytales with a twist? This version of Snow White will surprise you.It started with the Queen and King awaiting the birth of their child that led to tragedy. Snow White entered into the world, and the wicked Queen soon followed.Did the King really fall in love...
“A Dark and Intriguing Story”
Chapter 2 in this series revolves around the beauty of the young Snow White and the Queen’s jealousy of the child. She again recruits the help of The Huntsman to help her create a curse that has a devastating impact on the Princess and those she loves most. The character...

“And can you keep secrets?”
The Huntsman lifted one hand and crossed his heart. “Until the forests burn and the castle crumbles.”
“Until your eyes melt from your head and your heart turns to coal?” The Queen leaned closer to whisper in his ear and was rewarded by his shudder.
Snow White and the Wicked Queen Chapter 1
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