About Regina
The story behind your favourite steamy fairytales!
My Story
Since I was old enough to understand that books were written by people, rather than being things that “just existed”, I wanted to write.
I wrote stories in school, filled notebooks full of characters and adventures. I wanted to publish my first book by 16, but life got in the way, and it took me a little longer than I originally planned.
Now, I write for pleasure, I write for fun. I write because the words build up inside me and I fear I might explode if I do not let them out.
I published my first short novel – Snow White and the Wicked Queen, in April of 2021, and expect to have the rest of the series published by December 2021.
When I am not writing in one of my favourite Vancouver Island spots, I drink a lot of coffee, travel the world, and laugh a lot with my husband and cat.

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