Quick Rules for Massive Success
Odds are, if you have found your way to this post, you have joined my FREE Creative Writing BootyCamp - a quick and easy way to build a habit of creative writing and put your creative writing booty on the line! Haven't joined yet, click here to join now.
The Rules
- Join the Creative Writing BootyCamp mailing list.
- Decide how you will write - paper, writing app on your phone, document on your computer, scrolls of parchment, dictated or speech to text.
- Decide when you will write - consider your calendar and your daily habits with a critical eye. Look for any common time of day that you can spare 15 min.
- Write! Use a writing prompt. Set a 15 minute timer. Write.
- No editing, no revising for the first 28 days. The goal is to get words on the page - no matter how bad or incoherent you think they are. Progress, honey, not Perfection.
- Share if you want to, or read what others have written (myself included) by following the links in the Creative Writing BootyCamp emails.
- Need to use multiple forms of technology to capture your writing? No worries! If you need a notebook, an app and a computer doc to use at different times, that is okay. The goal is to not let "stuff" get in your way of writing. Be the MacGyver of creative writing - nimble and adaptable. Don't let a lost pen or a forgotten password stand in your way
- 15 minutes of uninterrupted writing time IMPOSSIBLE for you? No problem. Choose a different amount of time. 10 min? 5 min? 1 min? It doesn't matter. Just choose the amount of time that works for you, set a timer and write. Even if it is one sentence, you can still build your creative writing skills by practicing daily.
- Want to keep writing after 15 minutes? Go ahead! You are the boss of you! This challenge is designed to challenge you to get writing. If you are inspired to KEEP writing, that is all up to you, Boo. Do what feels right for you.
- Don't like the writing prompt I send? That's okay! I'll always include a link to alternative prompts. You can pick one that get's you started. Having said that, sometimes there is value in trying to write something, ANYTHING, on a topic that doesn't instantly inspire you. Some of my greatest creative accomplishments have come out of challenging topics. You choose. Neither is wrong. If you are writing, you are winning!
- Don't want to share what you wrote? That is okay! Feel free to read what others share (even if it is just me:) or not. This can be a completely solo journey, or it can be the start of some amazing creative partnerships. Choose what is right for you.
That's it. Simple, easy, no stress - let's get started!
Click HERE to join the Creative Writing BootyCamp if you haven't already. Start or quit anytime.
See you in the words.
With Love,

Regina Grimm is the author of erotic fairytales written for the uninhibited readers 18+.
Check out my books:
Snow White and the Wicked Curse: Chapter 1
Snow White and the Vicious Curse: Chapter 2
Snow White and the Seven Thieves: Chapter 3
The final chapter, Snow White and the Poisoned Apple.
Prefer to read the whole story at once? Grab your copy of Snow: The Complete Erotic Series now! All five books are available now in paperback and ebook.
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