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Every author has that book - or character or series - that lit them up inside as a child. Everyone of us has some literary experience that we can turn to, point and say - That! That is the reason I have to write. So I asked around and found some of the most exciting new authors and asked the questions: What was THAT book for you? And how did it shape you as an adult?

R.A. Aulenbach, Author of Adria: Hidden Alpha

R.A. Aulenbach, Author of Adria: Hidden Alpha

Describe yourself in 10 words or less.

I am a mother, wife, avid reader, and pet lover.

What was your favourite childhood book and why?

My favorite book was “The Green Rider” by Kristin Britain. It was one of the first books I read over and over again. I have always been a reader but I typically read each book once. That book was the first one that made me really enjoy rereading books.

How has that book impacted/molded who you are as an adult?

That book had a strong female lead character. Growing up I needed to see that representation in the books I read. Now that I have started writing my own books I hope that I can convey that same energy and feelings into my main female characters.

Why do you think reading is important?

Reading is so very important. Not only for the educational purposes but for the journeys it can take you on. Reading opens up whole new worlds that you may never get the chance to visit otherwise! When I read I might be a captain of a ship, a dragon tamer, a princess, or even something more fantastical like a fae. I get to visit worlds that don’t exist in real life and experience things simply by opening a book.

In 10 words or less, tell me about your current Work In Progress.

My current work in progress is a paranormal RH romance.

Janelle Parmer, Author of The Other Side of the Ledge

In 10 words or less, how would you describe yourself?

I am a fun, caring, and sarcastic friend to all

What was your favourite/ most influential childhood book(s) and why?

The first books I remember falling in love with was The Little House on the Prairie series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I probably wasn’t much older than Laura in the first book, Little House in the Big Woods, when I started reading the series. Laura seemed like such a fun and interesting girl who I wanted to be friends with. Her life was so different from mine, and reading the series made me feel like I was in her world - waking up early to feed the farm animals, traveling by horse and buggy, worrying if it was going to be a decent harvest this season on the farm, all of it. I am grateful to Laura Ingalls Wilder for writing her books and sharing her life with us. The Little House on the Prairie books were, and still are, one of my favorite book series of all time.

How has that book impacted/molded who you are as an adult?

The Little House on the Prairie series highlights the power of family and friends. Laura and her family had to work together in order to successfully run their household and survive all of the obstacles that they encountered. In addition, if a neighbor was in need, everyone would pitch in to help. Love, camaraderie, hard work, and friendship is deeply present in these books and in my own life.

In your own words, why is reading important?

A book allows us to experience a space in this world, or another world, that we may otherwise have never known.

In 10 words or less, tell me about your current Work In Progress.

Writing short stories and editing my next novel.

Axel Breedlove, Author of Explicitly Aden

Describe yourself in 10 words or less

Hopeless romantic with a few mostly normal kinks.

What was your favourite/ most influential childhood book(s) and why?

The Godfather. I probably read this book way too young, especially the steamier parts. But it shaped me because it was so raw and unlike anything I had read or seen previously (I am old enough that the internet has not always existed for me).

How has that book impacted/molded who you are as an adult?

It continued to be influential as I matured and realized that it is an incredible story that is, in reality, not very well written. It is now my go-to read when I need to remind myself that my writing doesn’t need to be perfect. If Mario Puzo could get The Godfather not only published, but turned into one of the classic films of the 20th century, I can go to Amazon and hit publish on my next steamy story.

It also gave me the desire and the mental permission to write raw stories. I may be a bit more descriptive and detailed in my own writing, but anyone who questions my decision to write what I do gets handed a copy of The Godfather. Puzo didn’t hold back from describing Sonny and Lucy, so I don’t hold back when my characters get frisky, either.

In your own words, why is reading important?

The written word is permanent. We evolved from an oral storytelling tradition for this reason. If we write our stories, they are less likely to get bastardized in the retelling.

In 10 words or less, tell me about your current Work In Progress.

I am working on the 2nd book in my series Perfect Timing.

Michael Webb, Author of The Last Shadow Knight

Describe yourself in 10 words or less

Family man, Hard worker, Follower of Jesus

What was your favourite/ most influential childhood book(s) and why?

Swiss Family Robinson. What I loved about the book was the adventure aspect of building a new world from nothing. I love how they lived in a tree and invented cool contraptions. I still have a love of climbing trees, and I have always thought how amazing it would be to live in one.

How has that book impacted/molded who you are as an adult?

As a father to a thirteen-year-old boy, I embrace this love, which helps me to connect with him.

In your own words, why is reading important?

The world has become so fast-paced. We’re inundated with ads and screens everywhere we turn, and it’s all meant to be quickly consumed. Jobs have become the same way. We try to be more efficient and cram every bit of work we can into every day. I think we desperately need chances to slow down and relax. I think reading helps with that.

There are few things more relaxing and enjoyable than sitting with book . . . on a porch, a couch, by the fire, or lying in bed. It allows you to escape into a tale without ever leaving home, but it lets you do it at a nice and casual pace that you set. I think we all need more reading in our lives.

In 10 words or less, tell me about your current Work In Progress.

Currently writing The Shadow Knights Trilogy: Book 2 . . . exciting, tense, swords, magic, villains, heroes, and romance. :-)

And since I asked everyone else, I thought it only fair that I contribute :)

Regina Grimm, Author of Snow White and the Wicked Queen: Chapter 1 and Snow White and the Vicious Curse: Chapter 2 - Coming June 2021.

Describe yourself in 10 words or less

Lover and a fighter, bold, book-lover, with a silly side

What was your favourite/ most influential childhood book(s) and why?

As far back as I can remember, I always loved books. As a kid, one of my favourites was The Secret World of Og. As I remember it, it is a rediculous, and adventurous story of a family of children who discover little green men live under their house, and they go on a rescue mission when one of their own is captured.

I loved how independent the kids were, how they rallied together and rolled into adventure. The element of a world beyond they one you know appealed to me in every way - as a small town girl bored to tears with a sweet and simple life.

How has that book impacted/molded who you are as an adult?

I'm still looking for my World of Og. I have traveled and sought adventure at every opportunity, with a life long goal of seeing 50 countries before I die. I just crossed off #38 before COVID, and looking forward to exploring a few more in the near future.

In your own words, why is reading important?

Reading is everything. You can learn anything you want, go anywhere, do anything - with the right set of pages. I think reading is a balm for the soul and the key to anything you want in life. I am so blessed by my love of reading and if anything I write sparks that love in another (adult) human, that would be the most incredible gift.

In 10 words or less, tell me about your current Work In Progress.

Snow White and the Vicious Curse: Chapter 2 launches in June.

A steamy and violent chapter of the Snow White retelling.

Thank you so much to my contributing Authors! It was such a treat to get a sneak peak into your lives! Be sure to check out their books and give them a follow.

Stay tuned for more collaborations.

With Love,

Regina Grimm is the author of erotic fairytales, written for the uninhibited readers 18+.

Check out her books:
Snow White and the Wicked Queen: Chapter 1
Snow White and the Vicious Curse: Chapter 2
Snow White and the Seven Thieves: Chapter 3
Snow White and the Poisoned Apple: The Final Chapter

Prefer to read the whole story at once? Grab your copy of Snow: The Complete Erotic Series now! All five books are available now as ebooks and paperbacks. Coming soon in Large Print format!

2nd edition coming 2025!
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