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You know those moments when you sit back and ask, "Is this my life?"... but, in a good way? I had one of these moments yesterday when I sat down (virtually) with Jahmil Effend to record a new episode of his podcast, Books By Authors.

I have been interviewed a few times before, but never for a podcast and the process was so exciting, nerve-wracking and eye opening.

Jahmil is a pro. He is so easy to talk to, super friendly, very kind and knows how to make the interview process feel like a conversation. I checked out a few of his previous episodes first, and - though I like to do a little research - the smooth professionalism of his productions made 

me feel like a Rockstar! To think, this person who has interviewed so many amazing authors was going to interview lil' ol' me!!

The lead up was 99% in my head. I admit I did my hair, and make up and made sure I was wearing my most "Regina" glasses - then remembered we were recovering a podcast - so... just my voice... sigh.... But I looked sharp for my interviewer :)

The interview itself was a simple Zoom call. I think we have all mastered these in the past year. We chatted about my books, my process, publishing and ... well,... sex. I didn't really mean to do that, but something about writing erotica means that I can no longer get through a conversation without talking about sex. I am not sure Jahmil knew what he was getting himself into - I know I wasn't expecting it - but the conversation flowed and faster than you can snap your fingers, the interview was over and I was left chatting with an accomplished author, podcaster, creator and all around great conversationalist.

Quick vulnerability moment:

After the interview, I woke up in the night in a cold sweat. My inner demon raised her ugly head and whispered "Should you have said that? You are too much. You are too loud. You are too crass. Everyone will hate it." Do you do this to yourself? Do something amazing, then worry and beat yourself up afterwards? Ug, I struggle. 

But, I played the "What If Up?" game, and shook myself out of my funk (it took a full day to recover from the insomnia) and now I am back thinking I am amazing. I mean....

I starred in my first Podcast! Eeeeee!

I am so looking forward to listening to the finished product!

Stay tuned: Podcast will be available Sept/Oct 2021.

Follow Jahmil on and check out his website and podcast.

What a cool experience!

With Love,

Regina Grimm is the author of erotic fairytales, written for the uninhibited readers 18+.

Check out her books:
Snow White and the Wicked Queen: Chapter 1
Snow White and the Vicious Curse: Chapter 2
Snow White and the Seven Thieves: Chapter 3
Snow White and the Poisoned Apple: The Final Chapter

Prefer to read the whole story at once? Grab your copy of Snow: The Complete Erotic Series now! All five books are available now as ebooks and paperbacks. Coming soon in Large Print format!

2nd edition coming 2025!
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