The FREE 28 Day Mini Challenge for Creative Writers

For those of us who write, we live in one of three worlds. We move between these worlds either effortlessly, unintentionally, or in agony.
The first world is the world of the Regular Writer. In this world, we have a set schedule or routine that allows for daily pouring of words onto a page, where the ideas flow and we can effortlessly and authentically express ourselves through language. This is the world where the Prolific authors live. They have a system worked out that allows or fosters their creative writing and they can consistently create.
The second world is the world of the Determined - if Inconsistent - Writer. Inhabitants of this world push and strive to write. They block out chunks of time, or retreat from family and friends, seeking the solitude, space or quiet required for them to finally get something down on paper. They live with the stories scratching at their brains, and randomly will carve an hour or two out to dump something onto the page, then potentially agonize over how little they have written, and try again and again to dig back into the process, hoping that - maybe someday - they will find some way of writing consistently. This is a difficult world, fraught with threats and dangers - like the Inner Critic, Self Doubt, and Perfectionism battling with the gatekeepers of Responsibility, Obligation and Reality.

The third world is where I have recently found myself. This is the world of the Stumped Writer. In this world, writing doesn't happen. Not for lack of desire or ability, but for some other f*cking reason, leaving inhabitants constantly glancing at the calendar asking, "How the hell did I not write AT ALL this month?" again... and again... and AGAIN! Until essentially any chance of writing seems as foreign as the most distant star. In this world, the monsters are subtle, but all powerful. Procrastination grows wings and becomes Impossibility. Obligation evolves into No Time To Write. Responsibility matures into the impossible beast called Everything Else (And Every One Else) Is More Important Than Writing. This is a bleak world where stories scream from the shadows and are swiftly silenced with lies like, "After Christmas" or "When things calm down". Never Never Land's got nothing on the world of the Stumped Writer. I have been living here so long, I forgot what creative writing even felt like. It has been f*cking MONTHS! And the worst part? My constant companion on this journey through this cursed land? A vicious inner voice I have now dubbed Beatrix. She walks beside me through this wasteland of broken dreams and broken hearts and whispers, "It doesn't matter. You don't have anything to say anyway. Noone wants to read your crappy writing. Nothing you write matters." F*CK YOU BEATRIX! Why am I listening to this nightmare? Because I forgot how important it was to WRITE!
Now, all is not lost! One can move between these worlds - most writers I know have dual residency in at least two of them anyway. But it does take effort, time and a conscious decision. If I want to write more, I am going to have to WRITE MORE! And I need to do it gently, till Beatrix gets killed off on one of our adventures into these other mystical lands that call to my heart and my soul and promise the balm of using my voice.
It's time to shake the snowglobe. Its time to get weird and break free from many of the demons keeping us out of Regular Writer world. Whether it is time, patience, focus, or your inner critic getting in your way of living in Regular Writer land, we can forge a path around these f*ck-monkeys and cut a short cut to a world in which we actually wright - not just say we write or that we want to write. That shortcut: We're going to build a habit in The Creative Writing BootyCamp,
The Escape Plan: The Creative Writing BootyCamp!
Action is the Foundational Key to Success - Pablo Picasso
You know what to do. You know how to write. You know that you want to write. That was the hard part. Now? You just have to start. You need to take action -and keep going. This Creative Writing BootyCamp may be the loving, supportive kick in the butt you've been waiting for.
- Write: everyday for 28 days
- Use a prompt
- Set a timer
- Write about the prompt until the timer goes off
- No editing, just write
Join the FREE Creative Writing BootyCamp, and I will send you an email each day, for 28 days (plus a Welcome email and a Next Steps wrap up email). The email will contain a reminder to write, a creative writing prompt, and a hit of encouragement. Then, you set a timer for 15 minutes. Write for 15 minutes. That's it! Want more accountability or community? Follow the link in the email to share what you wrote (if you want) or read what others (myself included) did with the prompt.
No editing! Let it be raw. This is not about the final edit of your magnum opus. This is about doing the work, getting words on pages, practicing your voice. It is about WRITING, not about WRITING THE BEST THING THAT HAS EVER BEEN WRITTEN. You get words on the page, you WIN! No right or wrong format, but if you want structure: You get a PROMPT. You set a TIMER. The rest is up to you.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
But Regina, I don't have 15 minutes a day to write. How can I still participate?
If you are booked solid and cannot possibly carve 15 minutes out of your day, you know your schedule and if you still want to build that writing habit, WELCOME and CONGRATULATIONS! What can you do? Choose a different amount of time.! 10 min. 5 min. 2 min. 1 min! It doesn't matter. Pick an amount of time that works for you, set a timer and go! You cannot do this wrong - you just have to DO it.
But Regina, I cannot possibly write a coherent story in 15 minutes. Can I still participate?
Of course! The goal for the Creative BootyCamp is to put your booty on the line and do the thing - in this case, WRITE. I don't care if you shred everything you write at the end of the 28 days. I don't care if each piece of writing is a collection of disjointed ideas swirling in a sea of doodles. I don't care what the end project looks like. I want to see you do the work. Be deliberate and get out of your own way. If you land on a point of brilliance, you can blow it into the next GOT next month :)
That doesnt work for you? Set a longer timer! You are the boss of you. You decide what you need to carve out time for you to write.
But Regina, what if I don't like the writing prompt you share?
It wont hurt my feelings - you can choose another one, or you can lean on your inner MacGyver and find the discomfort uncomfortable enough to inspire you to greatness. Your writing, your BootyCamp, your choice.
But Regina, what if I miss a day?
Pick it up the next day! While you can choose to go all Hard 75 on this and force yourself to start over if you miss even a single day, I think you can start practicing again tomorrow. I have read that doing things daily (missing NO days) is far more effective at reinforcing new habits faster, but in the end, its your life, your time, your writing. You get to choose. No one is judging or forcing you here. I just want you to write.
Having said that, I bet you can do it daily. I bet you can find a way to find 15 (or 10 or 5) minutes each day just for you. Lock yourself in a bathroom. Take advantage of sitting in traffic. Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier. Stop streaming shows a tad earlier and see what you can do. I believe in you, you Beautiful, Creative Badass!
What am I going to do? I'm doing the Creative Writing BootyCamp with you! I'll be setting my timer every day, and writing, then posting what I wrote - raw, ragged first drafts - unedited (except for probably spell check... I mean, I am not a monster!) I'm working on these muscles too - and my courage and my capacity and my creativity. I'm putting my Booty on the line. Care to join me?
The Creative Writing BootyCamp is completely FREE, 28 day skills practice course designed to get writers writing. By joining the BootyCamp, you agree to receive daily emails from Regina Grimm (me!) and will be added to my mailing list. Unsubscribe anytime. Join the completely FREE Creative Writing BootyCamp NOW!
With love, and wishing you effortless creativity,

Regina Grimm is the author of erotic fairytales written for the uninhibited readers 18+.
Check out my books:
Snow White and the Wicked Curse: Chapter 1
Snow White and the Vicious Curse: Chapter 2
Snow White and the Seven Thieves: Chapter 3
The final chapter, Snow White and the Poisoned Apple.
Prefer to read the whole story at once? Grab your copy of Snow: The Complete Erotic Series now! All five books are available now in paperback and ebook.
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