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I just looked at the date of my last blog post and was shocked to see it was 20 days ago! I had a goal of writing a post a week and thought, Yeah! Totally doable! 

I mean, its just, like 300 words a week, right? What could I possibly be doing that could get in the way of 300 words a week?

Well, this month, I found out. 

  1. Launch a book (If you haven't already heard, my fourth book, Snow White and the Poisoned Apple: The Final Chapter is launching on Tuesday) ... aaaand I don't even have a pre-order link or anything to share with you... (oh, the shame, and anxiety - sooooo behind)
  2. Move. Yup, we are right in the middle of moving from one town to another - just 30 minutes up the road, but because the people who owned it before us had a big shaggy dog, this month has been a gong-show of prepping, priming, painting and now waiting for carpet replacement - a 7 day promise that is bumping into 4 week delivery :(
  3. Work. Nothing fancy here, just my day job that somehow wrings any sliver of creativity out of me if I let it... and when I'm tired and wrung out I let it.
  4. Planning a trip. We are headed to the USA for a competition in about 10 days because my husband is a competitive athlete.
  5. Supporting my husband's training plan and program, which essentially means trying not to comfort him when he is flinching from nerve pain, and in the gym 3-5 hours a day. (Also why I am in charge of 90% of the move, renos etc.)
  6. Out of town training. I don't care what anyone says - sleeping in hotel rooms is not the same as sleeping in one's own bed - and it takes away from all the good habits that one might have built in the meantime.

So. There you have it. My list of excuses that add up to a great big pile of So What? 

So? I am giving myself some grace. I am trying to be kind and patient for the things I have not done, and may not get to, and - as I sit in front of my curtainless window, on a camp chair staring out my fabulous new window, I offer patience and kindness for anyone in the trenches of life, fighting to get the priorities done and knowing that the other stuff will just have to wait. If that is you, love to you. Stuff gets nuts and we sometimes have to step out of the madness and remind ourselves that this is the best we have right now. It will not be all we have forever, but for now, this is good enough.

With Love,

Regina Grimm is the author of erotic fairytales, written for the uninhibited readers 18+.

Check out her books:
Snow White and the Wicked Queen: Chapter 1
Snow White and the Vicious Curse: Chapter 2
Snow White and the Seven Thieves: Chapter 3
Snow White and the Poisoned Apple: The Final Chapter

Prefer to read the whole story at once? Grab your copy of Snow: The Complete Erotic Series now! All five books are available now as ebooks and paperbacks. Coming soon in Large Print format!

2nd edition coming 2025!
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